2016年3月19日 星期六

Come Along, Daisy!

  • Book title

Come Along, Daisy!

  • Author

Jane Simmons

  • Analysis of the Story

Flat characters

Protagonist  Daisy
Antagonist  Something stirring underneath the water and something screeching in the sky (in the picture)

Foil character  None
Supporting character  Mama duck  

Setting  integral

Narrative point of view  omniscient narrator

Plot  sequential

Conflict  the protagonist against another


A duckling, Daisy, didn't listen to her mother to come along with her, and met something dangerous during the adventure.


Simple word choice, short sentence length, clear story construction vivid exposition and easy dialogue between mama duck and Daisy. 


Relax atmosphere in the beginning, turned out to be a  little bit nervous when Daisy got lost and far away from mama duck, but felt pleasant when mama duck finally found her child.

  • Reflection

I think this is quite a great picture book for child learning to behave good.  First of all, in the content, "Come along, Daisy!" kept appearing repeatedly, giving the reader, especially for those in the young age, realizing the importance of this sentence in this story.  Mama duck told Daisy to stay close from the very beginning, while Daisy was just like most of kids around us, curious and astonished about everything, thus easily to be attracted.  She was not listen to her mother, therefore some dangers came along.  Besides, the author used a mysterious way to give reader the impression of danger.  Not telling what it is, she expressed the image of danger by illustrated instead, only described them as something stirring underneath the water and something screeching in the sky, happened to let children guess what the dangers might be.  Just like the reality, most of dangers in our life are unknown either.  This book, Come Along, Daisy! is indeed a wonderful and lovely book for me, and I believe it must be also helpful for most of the kids.

Picture's copy right owned by http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1182450848l/1277692

