- Book title
Willy the Dreamer
- Author
Anthony Browne
- Analysis of the Story
Flat characters
Protagonist Chimpanzee Willy
Antagonist None
Foil character None
Supporting character None
Setting Integral
Narrative point of view omniscient narrator
Plot sequential
Willy is a chimpanzee that loves to dream. In this book, he dreams a lot about himself. He dreams about being a film-star or a singer, or even a ballet dancer. He dreams with wonderful and magical imagination.
Super simple word choice, short sentence length, and easy story structure.
Fantastic and dreamful tone with surreal-like illustration through the whole book.
- Reflection
This is a book that I will probably recommend all the children to read because of its plot and pichtures within it. In this book, Willy uses his vast and creative imagination to dream. He can dream of becoming everything he wants, and he even dreams about the past and the future. I do think that the more we grow up, the less imagination we own gradually. We dare not to dream little by little due to the reality we face currently. However, imagination is born with it. We used to be so creative when we were still young. We could spend the whole night chatting with our beloved dolls, or we could sell our toys to the clients in the air as if we were a vendor. We seldom do those again. Reading this book encouraged me to dream again, and it reminded me about those dreams I lost maybe years ago, being a princess, a teacher, a writer, or a person I truly desire to be. People dream so that they realize it. I believe this book will help both adult and children. It helps adults to pick up their dreams again, and it encourages children to dream big!
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